I think all of us here at the library are in a state of denial over Margaret Riddle's retirement next week. We've known she was going to do it, but now that the end is near (May 30 is her last day), I find myself looking back at all the things Margaret has accomplished just in the 9 years I've known her, and realizing how much I'll miss her.
Margaret has quietly but persistently pushed us to be the best possible resource for local history. Her ability to track details and see the big picture, her interest in preservation, and digitization...well, I could go on and on extolling her virtues, but I know it would embarrass her. Margaret would always rather talk about history, so I think I'll focus on her most recent project instead. And that is the preservation and digitizing of our
Sanborn Insurance Maps.
These valuable resources are used by homeowners and historians to see the location, footprint, and type of structure on a particular piece of property. The first set of maps was published in 1914. In 1955 the original maps were updated, allowing patrons to see changes over time. These have been given a new life in mylar protective sleeves and a very heavy duty binding. They are also now available on our website. We've scheduled a day-long farewell for Margaret in the Northwest Room on May 30. Stop by to see her, and to check out these very special resources.