Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Writer's Block?

It's been a long time since I wrote anything in this space, and I feel a bit guilty about that. It's not because there haven't been a lot of things going on. Since I last wrote we found out we didn't win the Playaway contest (but we were a runner up!), we have started to check out epub books for digital readers, we're about ready to go out to bid for the teen space project, and Everett Reads!, our new community reading program, is due to begin shortly. And of course, the street in front of the library is still torn up.

I hope you'll pick up a copy of Jamie Ford's Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, our choice for the community reading program. I have almost finished it, and am looking forward to hearing Ford talk about his book on February 4 at the Everett Performing Arts Center.

And my New Year's resolution? I hope to be a more conscientious blogger in 2011.

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