Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Drop off some diapers with those books...

Inspired by an article in the Herald on the need for diapers at the Everett Gospel Mission's Women and Children's Shelter, library staff decided to collect disposable diapers this month. Last year we collected hats, mittens, and gloves, and encouraged library patrons to donate to the cause as well. Your response was extremely gratifying.

Now we're hoping for more diapers to add to those staff have donated. Diapers are not as fun to pick out as cozy knitted things, but for a mother with a small child they are an absolute necessity. If you're a baby, dry and clean are good things to be.

You can drop off diapers (large sizes are in particular demand) at either location until December 28, and we'll take them to the shelter. And you could even check out Super Diaper Baby by Dav Pilkey, the author of the Captain Underpants books.

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